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Yoni Art with Laüra Hollick


Yoni Art Course Schedule

Ritual #1: Connect with your Yoni

Listen to the ritual now


Ritual #2: Heal your Yoni

February 10th, 1-2pm Eastern Time (check your timezone here)


Ritual #3: Express your Yoni

February 17th, 1-2pm Eastern Time (check your timezone here)


Ritual #4: Embody your Yoni Power

February 24th, 1-2pm Eastern Time (check your timezone here)


Yoni Art Bonus Q&A Call

Time and date TBA

30-Day Yoni Art Journal

Yoni Art Pleasure Rolodex

Laüra Hollick’s personal Pleasure Rolodex has been cultivated through decades of research, trial and error and passionate pursuit of the highest quality products, books and tools. Experience the grace and ease that comes from having the right support!

Your Yoni Art Guide Laüra Hollick is an award-winning artist, founder of Soul Art Studio, and the creator of this Yoni Art Project. Laüra is known as a midwife for the soul and inspires audiences around the world with her weekly ‘Pure Inspiration’ Newsletter, and her global creative projects like International Soul Art Day, The Global Vision Quest and the nü Icon Movie.


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